Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Diet History

So my since my life has revolved around my weight, and big things are happening in my life now. (Just got married again, trying to start a family) It was really long overdue. It was time for me to do some soul searching and get rid of the cloud over my head that seemingly has followed every step I have made. I have tried every diet in the book from the livable to the outrageously ridiculous (listed in that order below). If there was an easy or fast way to do it, I was all over it...that is until I got tired of it or the results weren't fast enough, or that I lost enough for the cloud to be replaced by fog. I have always thought I was fat, even at times now when I look back and realize at eight years old I was normal... It is so exhausting to feel that way about myself, and I know a lot of women out there do on a daily basis. OH and I love when a skinny person says its so horrible why don't you just lose weight. After mentally kicking those people in the teeth, I realize they do have a point. I have gained and lost the same frickin' thirty pounds my whole adult life and its time. Going to the beach for fourth of July was just a big motivator.

  1. Weight Watchers (the most livable and apart from slow results the best in my opinion)
  2. Atkins (Worked quickly, but I am very grumpy without bread)
  3. South Beach
  4. Carbohydrate Addicts
  5. Calorie Counting
  6. Fat Gram Counting
  7. Hydroxycut
  8. Xenadrine
  9. Metabolife
  10. Body for Life
  11. PHC
  12. Biggest Loser
  13. The Subway Diet
  14. P90x
  15. The Cabbage Diet (don't ask it was horrible, will never eat cabbage again)
  16. The Banana Diet (even worse, took a while to re-establish my relationship with bananas)
  17. Adipex
  18. Self induced stress starvation
  19. The AB belt that electrically stimulates your abs (so dumb)
  20. The Gliders (you know where you put little booties on and slide back and forth, stopped that for safety reasons :)

Yeah, I am pretty sure that is not all of them, but its at least one a year for my entire adult life. Dumb I know... Looking at all of these makes me think of all the time I have lost bouncing back and forth and not tackling any underlying root problem. I have a hunch there are plenty of us like that. We have made some smart entrepreneurs pretty rich by not listening to ourselves. Well looking at all this what was the catalyst for success and failure. It's easy for me to see now...commitment and love of myself. I liked fast results that I didn't commit to in the end, and I didn't love myself enough to keep up with it.

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