Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Round 2 Phase 2 Day 17 - Just call me Renegade

Thats right, and I will shout it from the rooftops! (just not on the yourhcg blog because some women will beat me up) I am a converted renegade. I have altered the almighty protocol and I am loving it! Even though it is the first real day. Woke up this morning to a 1.2 lb loss! I know it may not stay consistent, but who cares! This is why I am so thankful that someone shared this alteration with me. Here is what I ate yesterday:

Coffee with vanilla creme stevia and cinnamon

Yerba Mate Tea

15 cups of water throughout the day

Jay Robb chocolate whey protein shake

150 gram top sirloin with a tomato for lunch

150 gram chicken breast with a cucumber and Walden Farms Ranch dressing.

No Fruits and No melbas!

Again, everybody is different and I know I may not lose anything tomorrow, but the first day results are pretty staggering (well, to me anyway). I know what some of you are thinking...how could you take away the fruit? The only food to look forward to all day? Here is my answer....the 500 calories is so darn tough anyway will it REALLY matter if you don't have an apple and an orange? Well to some of you it might, and I thought it was going to be really hard, but I didn't miss it that much. I think I can do it for another 16 days anyway, hopefully with the same result. If any of you out there reading my post decide to try it, let me know about your results we can start a revolution :) ha ha.

The alteration makes sense really. Being a former Atkins dieter myself I realize that this is basically the "induction phase" of atkins but going two steps further with limiting fat and calories. Thats big for me. I did Atkins before and lost the same 20 lbs that I gained back right after and I SWORE I would never do something so crazy again because it was so hard and I was so tired of meat and vegetables. Well look at me now. Not only am I doing it again but I am doing a stripped down version and I am very proud of myself. I think I have to be careful and make sure I am still getting the 500 calories without the fruit (carbs).

Weight today: 161.8
Loss for the day: -1.2
Total loss: -29.6 (so close to 30 lbs yaaay)
Loss to go to goal: 13.8

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