Friday, August 27, 2010

Round 2 Phase 2 Day 34 - So very, very close!

Okay girls, I am feeling a little bit of euphoria here. Everything seemed to have turned around for me this round and I am loving it. In this past week alone I have lost 6.8 in the past week, the best week I have had in all of my two rounds. I didn't like who I was becoming this round. In the middle of it when I wasn't losing and TOM was here I became so cynical and negative, but I just had to change my outlook. And I am convinced now that anyone out there who is thinking of starting a round to start it the day after TOM leaves. I think my body goes through so many different phases during the month, that the week after TOM is my best opportunity to lose, or so it seems.

So here I sit, four days away from my final weigh in for phase 2 and here is where I am at with my goals:

To lose a total of 40 lbs: 1 lb away
To be a healthy weight (BMI normal): 2.6 lbs away
Ultimate Goal of 148: 4.4 lbs away

It seems like I will be able to attain at least one of these, the one I really really want is to not be considered overweight on the doctor's charts, I think that would be awesome. So I just need to be strong this weekend and Monday and see what happens!

Here is what I have been doing this week for those of you that are wondering:

I eat about 6 oz. of chicken breast and a tomatoe with walden farms thousand island for lunch
I eat about 6 oz. of steak with an onion and a melba toast for supper with a glass of white wine

I drink coffee, diet coke, yerba mate and water ALL DAY LONG

I have been repeating this everyday for the past seven days and have lost almost seven pounds so I am scared to switch it up, I am just going to do it for the next four days to see what happens.

Its funny with this diet how fast your body changes. I saw my Mom on Sunday and then we went to a music banquet at church last night and she almost didn't reconize me...from 5 days ago!!!! :)


  1. I have really enjoyed reading through your blog and getting information about your HCG journey. I have been doing some research for a month now and think I am ready to take the plunge. Where did you get your drops? I am still quite confused on which place to order mine from. There are some that are so much cheaper but I don't want to get something that won't work right.

    I posted a comment on the HCG liquid diet FB page today and got a message from a person who sells it wholesale and uses it herself. She is Hypothyroid like me and has lost 52 pounds since March 20. That is awesome!!! I got another message from another lady who has lost 53 pounds and she also says her HCG drops have adrenal, liver, thyroid and fat metabolizer in it which help to lose weight faster and keep you blood sugar level even throughout the day. This way you will never get light headed and dizzy from not eating as so many people get from the other hcgs out there.

    I have had such a terrible time losing weight and keeping it off before. I am leery now of what to do. Any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Hi Twila,

    I'm glad you enjoy my blog. I always hope it may help someone make the right decisions for themselves. I think it is great that you are doing your research, because as you have seen, it is a LOOONG journey, and it definitely isn't easy, but in my opinion, it has been completely worth it. Make sure and check out my final results I will be posting them on Thursday. I personally bought my drops from . I bought them there for my first round, and since I lost 23 lbs with them, I didn't want to take a chance with anything else. I know that the GNC in our mall sells them for $89 and it had some other supplements added, but I was afraid to try anything different, especially if I wasn't sure if that supplement was even allowed on Dr. Simeons protocol. You just never know what you are getting and thats the hard part. I honestly think that most, if not all of the results come from following the protocol itself so it may not matter in the end where you purchase from. I made my decision in the beginning to go with yourhcg drops because of the overwhelming response on their facebook page and the support that they are willing to give you if you ever have a question. If you are doing research I would look mostly for good support group. Some of the folks on the yourhcg facebook page are a little too gung ho for me and sometimes were a little too negative, so a group from there started their own facebook page called the "Happy Camper Group" and that is mainly where I post now. They are very helpful and won't blast you for making a mistake. I also still check in at the "yourhcg" facebook page because there is a wealth of info there especially under their discussions tab. I don't mind answering any question I can, and if I don't know it, I can certainly help you find out. I wish you many blessings in your journey :)


  3. Thanks, Sarah for responding to my comment. I appreciate your advice. You have "been there and done that" and it will be good to have you as a mentor during my journey. Can't wait to read your next post!!!
