Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Halloween has to be one of my most favoritest holidays of the year (I know that's not a real word but I like it).  Some people can argue that a Christian shouldn't say that, but in my personal opinion those people are dumb.  I love Halloween.  Not because I worship the devil, but because it is so FUN.  I love the weather, I love the scary old movies on TCM, I love to dress up, I love to decorate my house in gawdy stuff, and its the one day a year I don't have an irrational fear of people in costumes.  I was totally that kid that had to be sat down by her parents and told that I was too old to go trick or treating.  I remember I was already dressed up like a "dancer" in a leotard and tutu and had already painted my face. 
I remember being devastated, probably more so than realizing Santa Claus wasn't real (sorry for all those that still believed).  Granted, I was well into my teenage years so it needed to be done.  But now, I am so excited that I have children so I have the excuse to go again!  I mean I'm excited for them and all that crap, but I can't wait.  I decided not to dress up this year...I mean, I guess I won't steal Ellie's first Halloween thunder...but give it a couple years and I will be the weird parent out of the group that wears a costume just to stand on the sidewalk and watch their kids trick or treat.

Some of my best childhood memories are at Halloween.  I think because it was a day that people, even serious people, could be silly.  I'm embarrassed to say what I was my first Halloween...not that I could control any of it at two years old, but my parents (in all of their non political correctness) dressed me as buckwheat from little rascals...  I know what you are thinking...and I can't believe I am admitting it now, especially after all the flack Julianne Hough got for dressing up in "black face" last Halloween.  The guilt has followed me around my whole life.  My parents meant no offense, I think at the time they thought it was hilarious to see the whitest baby, with the whitest blond hair dressed as a popular black character.  I see how offensive that could be, although I saw the movie "White Chicks" and was not offended and thought was hilarious.  Anyway, needless to say, everyone I saw that Halloween thought it was funny and I thought I was just really popular because I was dressed as a witch.  I'll have to upload a picture later, but honestly, thinking of me as a baby, dressed up as gotta chuckle a little.

And now you know one of my deepest, darkest secrets....

One year for Halloween, my Dad dressed up like the Noid from the old Domino's Pizza commercials.  Any of you that know my Dad knows that he has no business being in a full body leotard.  But he was so hilarious I still laugh about it to this day.

Now that I have children it really has become funner.  (not proper but I like it - lets just call them Sarisms).  This is the past two Halloween's with our son:

It's not Halloween without a random assortment of bloody eyeballs
Ellie bug will make her Halloween debut as a Strawberry.  I can't wait.  Here are some pictures from Halloween's past.  You will see just one of the many reasons why my husband and I are made for each other.  He would be so mad if he knew I posted these (snicker).
Yes I once made a Halloween gingerbread house...and this is before we had kids...
Gosh I love this man....takes a special something to pull off Officer Dangle...

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I am laughing at Don. I am also wishing you had a pic of your dad to share.

    I dressed up as Izzy for Aidan's school party, and he told me I wasn't "Izzy enough". So see if I try again any time soon to dress up for Halloween. I mean, I surprised him and he was disappionted. Mom fail
