Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hopped up on Hormones

Before this whole IVF process, I probably couldn't tell you where on my body my ovary was. I mean, I knew, of course, that it was in the nether region, but that was pretty much it. It was enough knowing I had them. Who would have thought I would actually feel them, and boy do I.

I am completely hopped up on a large amount of hormones right now. I added two shots to the first shot and have been doing those since Saturday. The books and the doctors warned me about a plethura of side effects, but I think I am doing a pretty good job of holding on so far. my estrogen level went from 52 on Friday to 1757 as of this morning, the "normal" woman never gets above 200. The whole point of these hormones is to make me produce several eggs instead of the one we all normally produce every month. Well the ultrasound this morning said I had over 22 follicles (little sacs filled with fluid that hold the eggs). So despite feeling like a free range chicken with all these eggs, I am excited about that.

Doc says that everything looks great, but he is worried I might be overstimulated. Ya think?!?! If I truly am, it could make me very sick so he is backing down my meds. He had told Don that the most painful part of this process for him would be this time frame, because of my moods. I don't really feel all that different. I haven't gotten weepy or completely witchy yet...yet being the operative word :)

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