Monday, June 21, 2010

Did I mention I hate maintenance...

Thought I would check in to hold myself accountable and to make sure that I am not losing my mind. I beginning to think the name of my blog is fitting for more than just the weight. Did I mention that I hate maintenance. I loved the diet a lot more when the scale went down every morning. I became a very spoiled brat on phase 2, and I wish now for its structure and results. Today is my ninth day on Maintenance, and I have been on a rollercoaster ever since my last 500 calorie day. I have been sick, which hasn't helped, but sick mentally from the up and down of the scale. I keep reading the same posts on the board over and over again to make sure I am not the only one who feels this way. Seems there are a lot of people that truly stabilize and have a jolly ole time on this stretch (even lose) but I just haven't felt that way. We are so very trained to live and die by the small digital number on the devil scale that any little bit back on and it is easy to feel defeated. I went from being a very glass is over flowing to "is that all there is left in the glass?" Boo. I don't like it. Anyway, so I have resided to the fact that I am not going to lose more that I wanted to reach the arbitrary goal I made for myself in the beginning. When good ol' Dr. Simeons said you will maintain at the weight you are on the last drop days he wasn't kidding. My actual weight the morning after the last day I did the drops was 169.4, but during the next three days it went down to 167.8. Which for some reason sounds so much better than 169.4. So I wanted to measure from 167.8 as my LDW, but alas I cannot trick the mother protocol. This weekend was very busy and wasn't very structured. I had a girls night with my best friends (but did not cheat), my nephew's 2nd birthday (but did not cheat), and Father's Day (but did not cheat) and this morning I was 170.6. Not only was it devastating to see that I had gained 2 lbs, but that dreadful 170's were back. After beating myself up quite a bit, I am thinking I need to follow the protocol and catch the rest of it on round 2. If I follow protocol, my LDW is 169.4 so I am not even over 2 lbs yet. I did a sort of protein day and am planning on getting some exercise this afternoon to see if I can get it back down to my LDW. If not, I will be doing a dreaded steak day tomorrow. This phase 3 is very not nice to people who have a complex that they are going to wake up tomorrow and magically gain all the weight back (which is me). I am sorry to be such a downer today, its really not like me. Hopefully I can feel back in control and make some headway today.

So here are the real stats: LDW : 169.4
Today's: 170.6
Over 1.2 lbs

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