I always wondered what it would be like to be Violet Beauregard from Willy
Wonka. You know, how would it feel to become a human blueberry? I think I can really sympathize with her now. I feel like her except in a very pale shade of white. I do feel a little better today, but yesterday boy oh boy... I've always wondered how they took care of ole' violet. Apart from being swollen like a beached whale, I am feeling a little better everyday. Seems like I am trying to rush that so I am ready for Sunday. I am
sooooooooo excited. Just think...on Sunday, I will be pregnant until otherwise proven by the blood test. Wow. What a journey. I did take a little tiny
sneek peek today at some cool websites for nursery ideas. Too early? Maybe. I am very ashamed that I was unable to button my jeans this morning, so I wore sweatpants to work. Granted it is a Friday, but shame, shame, shame. Hopefully I can get rid of enough bloat to fit into my regular clothes. It's bad to look pregnant before you even are :) Oh well, just another thing. Waiting to hear today how my little
embies are doing. Today would have been the three day transfer if they weren't looking so hot, so just that I am
transferring Sunday is a good sign!
Praying it all goes well! Look at Lay baby lay- totally cute ideas. my other favorite mom site is ohdeedoh.
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