So my husband doesn't care to hear narratives about how much I love Jamberry, Zulily,, Stitch fix, make up, or anything other girly thing in my life. He has feigned interest in those things for far too long. He needs for me to have an outlet, and my friends need for me not to sound like a salesman when I get on a kick about something I like, so I felt like I needed to strike up the ole' blog again. Even if no one out there is reading, I feel better.
Ya'll...Having two kids under the age of three is TOUGH. I have never been one to complain about anything having to do with my kids (I went through a lot of stuff to get them here and would do it a hundred times over) and I was never one to complain about my pregnancies so I am not about to start complaining now. I just want to be straight up with you guys. I wasn't prepared. (Not that I think you could be prepared at all). Before deciding to go through IVF again using one of our frozen embryos, my husband liked to state that "having one child was like having one and having two was like having five." I thought it was one of the dumbest things he had ever said at the time. Well, dang it, as much as I hate to ever admit it, he was right. Somehow the laundry goes from three loads a week to nine loads, and since I have two young 'uns in diapers we are most of the time up to our eyeballs in poop.
But ya'll, look what I got...
So much joy and cuteness and blessedness that I can't even contain it and I don't want to. Our little Ellie bug (Eliza Rae) has completed our family and she is perfect in every way. And Isaac is too. He is a genius and a happy little southern gentleman. He is also 2.5 yrs old... and wild...and all boy. We have adventures every day, and have only ended up in the hospital twice. WHEW!
So wow...been a long time. I have literally told myself a bagillion times that I needed to start writing again - for numerous reasons. The largest of which is that, on any given day I can have a hundred feelings that I forget by the time I lay my exhausted face on the pillow every night. I have been through so much in the last two years and I look back now and wish I had some sort of journal, or way to remember the emotions I had at those times. But alas, I do not. And one of the reasons why I never felt like I could start again was feeling the need to write about everything that has happened sounded even more exhausting. There was never a good place to start. Well, I am just going to have to start, and that's all there is to it.
With my busy schedule and non existent free time, I am always trying to find some sort of deal to make my life easier. And let me preface that by saying that I am a sucker. I have probably tried or owned every "As seen on TV" product that has ever existed. It is a household rule that I am not allowed to watch the Home shopping network after having a little too much to drink on a certain night in college and ordering four king size pillows (I have never owned a king size bed). You think I am kidding but I am sadly not. Finding new products I love is addicting and very satisfying, and helps me to over look the fact that I may be failing miserably in other areas of my life. Example: I like to look at my pretty Jamberry nails instead of entertaining the thought that it is quite possible that I have not dusted anything in my home in over a year. TRUTH. Who has time for dusting? Oh that's right... people who want their house to be clean. Its not that I actively don't want my house to be clean, but time with my kids is more important (and Jamberry), and anyone who is going to judge me by the level of dust on my stack of papers on top of a casserole dish that I should have returned six months ago on my kitchen island can really just suck an egg. (that's nasty). That is a whole other topic of blogness.
So I know in the past my blog has been all over the place with subjects and I can't imagine that it will be any different now. I will still talk about weight all the time, we still have huge decisions to make on the IVF front that I have to somehow emotionally work through, and since I use myself as a human guinea pig for every new miracle product on the planet I will probably use it as an outlet for all of my many opinions. My poor husband. My blog will be an outlet for me, not necessarily for the joy of anyone reading it so feel free to not care if you so choose. Also, I get really mad when I become emotionally invested in someone's blog and they drop off the face of the planet. I am sorry about that, but I had a little bit going on. I really want to stick with, but seeing as I said that last time, I could understand why no one would believe that. I'll try to do better this time.
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