So I am definitely feeling like somewhere between these two and have been since Saturday. I went to the doc every day this weekend and he measured and took blood everyday. Before my veins collapsed and ran in fear from the needles, my last estradiol (estrogen level) measured over 5,000. The nurse was looking at me like I should be in tears or having a hormonal meltdown, but I felt relatively good from all that. I am, however, so bloated that I am walking like I am already pregnant, and joked with the doctor that if I sneezed I felt like I would drop an ovary :). He didn't think it was as funny as I did, but hey, I gotta laugh at this point. The doc measured about 25 follicles and couldn't even get to all them they were so scrunched up in there. I am hoping it will be a great release to have all of them drained.
At this point, I am so ready to get the show on the road. I gave myself the "trigger" shot last night at 6:45pm so the egg retrieval will be tomorrow at 6:15am. They are afraid I will be overstimulated, which can make me pretty sick, so they told me to eat and drink as much sodium as I can to help with the fluid. After spending a lifetime trying to avoid high sodium foods, I was ignorant to which ones to look towards. I thought of pickles at lunchtime and had a guy I work with bring me back some. (He told the cafeteria person he was pregnant when she gave him a funny look after he ordered 10 pickles) And I might as well have an IV hookup of powerade as much as I am drinking. Hopefully enough salt ingested to scare away even the little Morton's girl with the yellow umbrella and any hope of OHSS. Praying all goes well tomorrow :)
I'll be thinking about you tomorrow! Hope all goes well and also this coming Sunday. I don't think you'll be able to keep the pregnancy a secret like I was...curious minds will want to know if the IVF was successful! :)