My journey of losing the crap that doesn't matter and learning what really does...
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Round 1 Phase 3 Day 17
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Dr. Oz and the Waist to Hip Ratio
Round 1 Phase 3 Day 11 - woo hoo for the inches
LDW Weight: 169.4
Todays Weight: 169.2
-.2 under LDW
Lost another 1.5" in my waist!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Round 1 Phase 3 Day 10 - God is Good
LDW Weight: 169.4
Weight this morning: 168.6
0.8 lbs under LDW (YAAAAAY)
Monday, June 21, 2010
Did I mention I hate maintenance...
So here are the real stats: LDW : 169.4
Today's: 170.6
Over 1.2 lbs
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I HATE MAINTENANCE, I want the diet again!
So I broke down this morning and emailed a consultant to ask what was happening to me. I gave her the whole breakdown of what I have eaten since Sunday, and she said that I am definitely in protein starvation. That I have to focus the next three days on eating protein every three hours. Yucky...I feel like I could do without protein for years, but at least I know now what is probably happening. I am going to have to go all out on the beef and chicken another week and see what happens. I am so afraid of maintenance and gaining ANY of the weight back that I will just have to do it.
I can't take this trend going the other way!
Total weight GAIN since Sunday: 1.4 lb Total weight loss to date: -22.2 lbs
On a good note, I did take my measurements yesterday and had lost another half inch in my hips and and inch and a half in my waist from last week. For a grand total of 17.5 inches lost. Well I guess I need to go eat some more protein :( Hopefully I will have better news tomorrow.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Before and After Pictures. Yaaaaay!

Round 1 Phase 3 Day 2
Friday, June 11, 2010
New Inspirational Photos

Round 1 Phase 2 day 30 and 31
Right now, I am very, very afraid of Phase 3. Phase 2 has been very strict, and it was great to have a list of foods and portion sizes that you could always reference. The protocol was simple to follow. Now its like there is a whole world of choices opening up before me as long as they withold the two rules of no starch and sugar. I have done Atkins before and Phase 3 really sounds a lot like the first phase of Atkins so I am wondering if I can go back to the things I know about it. I went to the website today and they do break the first phase into lists of acceptable food and it looks very much like the list of acceptable phase 3 foods in the redbook. I have found the phase 3 cookbook and it actually references that it has atkins recipes and such in them. There are a lot of yummy recipes in them, but I am afraid because my baking and cooking skills are sub par at best. I guess I will learn to have some fun in the kitchen! I am going to do a little research today so that I can be ready on Sunday. I know that Atkins 1st phase only allows 20 carbohydrates a day which limits the fruit, so I think that for the first week of so I am going to try to follow it while watching the sugars and see how it goes. I am so afraid to gain, although looking at other women's progress it seems to bounce around a good bit while you are stabilizing. Can you tell I am anxious?!?!
Well first things first, lets hope I can lose the extra 3.4 lbs this weekend and start Phase 3 strong.
Lbs lost in past two days: -1.4 lbs Total to date: -23 lbs
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Round 1 Phase 2 Day 29 and 30
Speaking of which, my daily Bible devotion said something this morning that I thought I might share. I have prayed a lot of times in my life for the strength to do something like this. My study this morning was about how God answers prayer, in particular how He answered it for Elijah in the Old Testament. An answer to prayer always requires this before it : God commands, we obey, He answers. Its funny how my prayers were never followed up before with the actual OBEY part of it. He commands we take care of our body, I didn't obey, and so His answer was always no. I finally got it! He commands, I obey, He answers by giving me the will and strength to do this and BAM 21.6 lbs gone!! God is good. Imagine if we followed these steps for all of our prayers...
Total weight loss for the past two days: - 1 lb Total weight loss to date: -21.6 lbs (169.8 lbs)
Also took my weekly measurements this morning:
Chest: Starting: 40.5" This Week: 36" Total loss: 4.5" ( okay that can stop now :)
Waist: Starting: 40" This Week: 35" Total loss: 5"
Hips: Starting: 47" This Week: 43" Total loss: 4"
Right Arm: Starting: 12" This Week: 11" Total loss: 1"
Right Thigh: Starting: 21" This Week: 20.5" Total loss: .5"
Monday, June 7, 2010
Round 1 Phase 2 Day 28
Taking into account that I just said I shouldn't do what everyone else is doing just because it works for them, I am toying very seriously with doing a second round. If I meet my first round goal, I will be within 17 lbs of the doctors charts! I never thought I would ever see that day. I do have to admit though that another 23 days of 500 calories does make me want to cry, but I will actually be considered at a normal weight. Not overweight, but a healthy weight!! I can't even imagine. So, I am thinking I can go through this again, but here is the thing...In the protocol, you have to do 3 weeks of maintenance (no starch or sugar) and three weeks of normal eating before you do another round. That means I will have to wait an entire 6 weeks before I can start round 2 and that just isn't sitting right with me. Yes I definitely need a break, but not for six weeks!!! I fear I will lose my momentum and I just want to get the weight off. I want to do three weeks of maintenance, one week of normal and then start the diet again. That would be cutting out two weeks of Phase 4. Some believe this would be a cardinal sin and that I would hence never be able to maintain what I lost in Round 1 or 2, but I just have to think that if I maintain my new weight for four weeks that I will be okay to start another round. I am doing some research on it now, so I will post more as I learn more. The jury is still out...
Total to go for round 1 to reach goal -5.8; So I am going to have to pull out all the stops this week if I am going to reach goal by Sunday. Lets hope I can do it by then!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Round 1 Phase 2 Day 25
Here is what I ate yesterday (I know its pretty repetitive):
100 grams of grilled chicken with spices from redbook
Medium sized sliced tomato
Apple with a little cinnamon sprinkled on top
Laura's Lean Beef pattie (100 grams)
1 cup of grilled vidalia onion
10 strawberries
And to keep myself from stealing my husband's poptart - a melba toast
Lots and Lots of water
Weight loss from yesterday: -0.8 lbs Total to date: -19.8 lbs (so very close to the 2-0!)
(6.6 more to go to meet my self imposed goal)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Thought this was interesting...

A shoot in a magazine showed several pictures of a size 4 model next to Crystal Renn who is a size 12. Check out this quote (I loved it) What Gary Dakin (the man who runs the plus-size division of Ford Models) says: In one shoot in the same magazine Crystal Renn was photographed opposite the size 4 model Jacquelyn Jablonski in exactly the same clothes. “Renn wiped the floor with her,” says Dakin.
If you are interested here are Crystal's measurements:
Chest: 38"
Waist: 30"
Hips: 42"
I am 7" away. YAAAAY!
Here is a quote from her:What Crystal says:
“We are all models. Beautiful girls are beautiful girls. Size should not matter. Look in the street and there are all kinds of shapes and sizes. Why are we here? To get people to shop and feel good about themselves. Somehow that has been forgotten. Just because a girl is bigger, she can’t be inspiring? What kind of message is that? And it’s not even true.”
Also if your interested, here is a video about how the model industry is changing:
Inspirational photos for the beach trip - this my goal

Starting on May 11, 2010:
Chest: 40.5
Waist (at belly button): 40
Hips (at widest part, trust me not hard to find :): 47
Right Arm (midway bt elbow and shoulder): 12
Right Thigh (midway bt hip and knee): 21
Measurements as of yesterday:
Chest: 37 total loss of 3.5" (Yaaay, but it can stop now :)
Waist: 35.5 total loss of 4.5" (Hallelujah)
Hips: 43.5 total loss of 3.5" (Praise the Lord)
Right Arm: 11.5 total loss of .5" (Hey its a half inch of the flappies so I am happy)
Right Thigh: 21 total loss of 0" (I hope this improves for the old shorts this summer)
So total inches lost in these areas: 12 inches in 23 days!!!!!!! I AM CELEBRATING MY NUMBERS!! I know this sounds low if you are also reading other blogs, but I only measure 5 places where some measure 15.
In My Opinion...
Round 1 Phase 2 Day 24
- Drink water till your eyeballs float (I know I have said this, but its so important!
- Invest in smooth move tea it keeps everything moving a long if you know what I mean (and you can't say it doesn't help with the scale)
- The ACV cocktail, yes it tastes bad and it burns my throat, but I do think it helps
- For some, the detox bath helps, it can't hurt (well, it gives me headaches) but it really does help some others
- Black coffee with vanilla creme stevia and a sprinkle of cinnamon seriously reminds me of my favorite Pumpkin Spice Starbucks coffee. Its a good way to get some caffiene in the mix if you are a recovering addict :) )
- Two hours before bedtime and your done. I don't even drink any more water after that point because if I don't get rid of it during the night, it could show up on the scale the next morning.
- Make sure you are counting calories (including vegetables). I have to give a shout out to Phyllis from facebook on this one. Many of us, including me, were just eating by protocol, but not measuring the vegetables and fruits. Since protocol was sort of vague with "handfuls" and I have heard "2 cups" for the vegetables people are eating all sorts of amounts, but IT WILL AFFECT YOUR WEIGHT LOSS. WEIGH EVERYTHING. I use . It is free and you can easily search for what you ate, enter in an accurate amount (grams, oz, size of fruit, etc.) and it will spit out your calorie content.
- Give yourself and your body a break and don't exercise. I love to exercise, and I have tried it twice but my body said "hold up, you are asking a little too much, and this is where I draw the line". I am eager to get back to it when maintenance begins, but I think its just best not to do it.
Okay, so yesterday here is what I ate:
Lunch: 100 grams of chicken breast (poultry spices from HCG recipe book, grilled) and one orange (my cucumber at work was squishy and I wasn't going to make that mistake again)
Dinner: 100 gram Laura's Lean Beef premade burger patty (all natural only super lean beef) with the all purpose spices from reciped book and a grilled vidallia onion with 10 strawberries (sweetened with a packet of stevia
After Dinner: ACV Cocktail
Total Calories: 458 (I should have eaten another vegetable at lunch, but didn't have one)
Results: Weight Lost Today: -0.4 lbs (is always lower the day after I lose more than a lb)
Total Weight Loss To Date: 19 lbs (7.4 to go by next Friday to meet goal)
Total Weight Now: 172.4 (Oh and I am 5'5")
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Round 1 Phase 2 Day 23
Sarah's Weight Graph
My Third Week on the HCG Diet
- I had been eating out once a week with my family (Sunday after church tradition) ordering a plain grilled chicken breast, no oil or seasoning with sliced tomato. I did have a slow loss before but this particular week I ordered an outback sirloin. It tasted so good it had to have junk in it I wasn't supposed to have. But I ate 3.5 oz the first night and had the leftovers the next day. I think that played a major role in no loss. I should have known better.
- My TOM (see legend page below) was usually over thirty days so I was expecting it to be late, but 41 days and still nothing. I thought maybe that could be a contributing factor for the no loss
- When you have a stall you have to look back, realize your body is totally wondering what the heck is going on and trying to catch up, and most importantly CELEBRATE YOUR VICTORIES, and realize that you are succeeding, these are just road bumps.
Here are my results:
PH2D16 -0.8
PH2D17 -0.4
PH2D18 -0.2
PH2D19 -1.6
PH2D20 -0
PH2D21 -0
PH2D22 -0
TOTAL LOSS FOR WEEK: -3 lbs TOTAL TO DATE LOSS -17.2 lbs AVG: -0.81 per day
My Second Week on The HCG Diet
- Organic Chicken in a can is NASTY!
- Never eat a squishy cucumber no matter if its the only one in the refrigerator
- George Foreman is my new best friend
- Vidalia Onions are too. They are great sauted with steak!
- Tried to walk for twenty minutes twice and seemed to slow weight loss, not to mention feeling a little woosy.
- Decided to tell people around me what I was doing no matter how ridiculous they thought it was.
- The more water I drank, the more I lost
- Detox baths are not relaxing and haven't helped much
- I have the most supportive and wonderful husband a girl could ask for (he is afraid to eat in front of me, so he started eating his large meal at work) You gotta have someone in your corner to succeed, we can't do it all on our own.
- Still learning to realize what hunger is and more importantly what it is not. Cravings are bad at times, so I just look back at my weight chart and soldier on.
- Read blogs on facebook. It was strengthen and encourage you
- Gave up the Melba Toasts (my little fake bread buddies, they were kinda hard anyway)
- Even though the drops were expensive (whether placebo or real) we are more than making up for it in our food savings (ie: half the grocery bill, not going out to eat)
Here is generally what I ate:
- Lunch: Organic Chicken in a can (yucky!) made tolerable on spinach leaves with apple cider vinegar dressing from the recipe book for lunch, or chicken breast with spices from recipes and a sliced tomato with an apple or an orange
- Dinner: Filet Mignon cut into strips with sliced vidalia onions and spices (Yummy!)
- Lots and Lots of Water!
Here are my results:
PH2D9 -1.4
PH2D10 -0.4
PH2D11 -0.6
PH2D12 -1
PH2D13 -0.8
PH2D14 -0.6
PH2D15 -1.2
TOTAL LOSS FOR THE WEEK: -6 TOTAL TO DATE: -14.2 AVG: -1.01 per day
Weight loss was slowing which was expected, weird pattern formed of losing -2.4 lbs every three days. I became discouraged when I lost less than a pound since it was advertised as 1-2 lbs per day, but through facebook realized that the true average to rely on is .5-.8 lbs per day and thats IF you don't cheat. Still, you can't get those results anywhere else without keeling over, so I was pumped!
My First Week on the HCG Diet
- The diet was not going to be easy, breezy beautiful
- Bad headaches (for a good cause)
- Prepackaged chicken is a no no (always read the ingredients for starches and sugars, they are almost always there)
- Lipton Diet Green tea is delicious but not on protocol, just say no
- Order Stevia online stock up on flavors (french vanilla in coffee tastes really good, chocolate, etc)
- Weigh everything
- Biggest epiphany: I had no idea what real hunger felt like. Although I have never been famished on this diet, the first thing I learned is that my appetite is not my problem. Its all about cravings for the foods we have become accustomed to love. That is the most difficult thing to distinguish for me. Food was an emotional connection, a family thing we gather around, it determined what I did on the weekends, its what I looked forward to everyday. I lived to eat, and didn't eat to live. When I realized this I realized how hard this was going to be. I couldn't go out to eat with my husband, we couldnt enjoy a glass of wine or some beers by the pool. But what I realized was that I still could do those things, but my focus was wrong all along. It shouldn't have been on the food or drinks it should have been about living in the moment. This I realize is going to be tough lesson to learn, but it has opened my eyes alot.
So here was my daily routine:
- Two cups of black coffee with stevia sweetner in the morning
- About 64 oz. of water daily
- Natural Lipton Green Tea brewed at home, or black tea sweetned with stevia
- For lunch: 3.5oz of prepacked chicken with tomatoes or cucumbers and an orange and melba toast
- For dinner: 3.5 oz of steak with asparagus, an apple or handful of strawberries, and melba toast
And here was my results:
PH2D1 191.4
PH2D2 0.2
PH2D3 1.8
PH2D4 -4.2
PH2D5 -3.2
PH2D6 -1.2
PH2D7 -0.8
PH2D8 -0.8
TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS: -8.2 AVERAGE: 1.17 lbs per day
Own Your Starting Number - Realize How Bad It Is So You Can Change It!
My First Two Days - Loading (Ugh)
How I Got to Where I am
My Diet History
- Weight Watchers (the most livable and apart from slow results the best in my opinion)
- Atkins (Worked quickly, but I am very grumpy without bread)
- South Beach
- Carbohydrate Addicts
- Calorie Counting
- Fat Gram Counting
- Hydroxycut
- Xenadrine
- Metabolife
- Body for Life
- Biggest Loser
- The Subway Diet
- P90x
- The Cabbage Diet (don't ask it was horrible, will never eat cabbage again)
- The Banana Diet (even worse, took a while to re-establish my relationship with bananas)
- Adipex
- Self induced stress starvation
- The AB belt that electrically stimulates your abs (so dumb)
- The Gliders (you know where you put little booties on and slide back and forth, stopped that for safety reasons :)
Yeah, I am pretty sure that is not all of them, but its at least one a year for my entire adult life. Dumb I know... Looking at all of these makes me think of all the time I have lost bouncing back and forth and not tackling any underlying root problem. I have a hunch there are plenty of us like that. We have made some smart entrepreneurs pretty rich by not listening to ourselves. Well looking at all this what was the catalyst for success and failure. It's easy for me to see now...commitment and love of myself. I liked fast results that I didn't commit to in the end, and I didn't love myself enough to keep up with it.