Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Round 2 Phase 2 Day 32 - Hallelujah

Can I just say again thank you to all of you incredible women!!! I was such a negative Nancy last week (Bad, bad TOM) but you guys really helped me stick it out when all I wanted to do was sit down and cry. During stupid TOM, I lost zero pounds...Thats right, seven straight days of seeing a big 'ol goose egg every morning on my weight tracker. I was definitely on the verge of insanity and despite from being a "my cup is half full person" I was SO down in the dumps. I know you girls know exactly what I felt like. All those old addages of not being good enough or something being innately wrong with me started to creep back in. I am discovering thats a heart thing not so much as a head thing. I am also discovering that we can lose as much weight as we possibly can, and we can still dislike ourselves. Just a reminder that while we are working so hard to correct the outside, we need to work just as hard, if not harder on the inside. Skinny won't fix how we feel about ourselves, WE have to make that change.

I am a full proponent of God using our circumstances to teach us new things, so I think he had me go there last week to learn that about myself. If any of you guys read my blog, I have spent the past three months calculating and setting goals and setting myself up to be dissapointed if I didn't reach those goals, while doing this I was missing each small victory along the way. So I re evaluated, cut myself some slack, and praise GOD from whom all blessings flow this week's weight loss has been AWESOME. Since TOM's horrible reign has ended and I learned to be a little kinder to myself, I have lost 5.2 lbs in the past 5 days! Just goes to show, and I have seen it with all of you, that when the going gets tough if you can stick it out, you will be rewarded. Hope you guys have a great day :)

Total lbs lost this round: -15.8
Total lbs lost to date: -37.4

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