Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Round 2 Phase 2 Day 11 - Frustration sets in

I don't want to be negative Nancy right now, but I really am, so you will have to excuse my pessimism. I am hungry and I didn't lose weight yet again. Yesterday was a rough day, and I really wanted a glass a wine before bed, but after arguing with myself the entire evening I went to bed staying on protocol, not even eating my piece of fruit. It will all be worth it in the morning, I told myself. Well lo and behold this morning I received no reward for my piety. Any mistakes that I made eating out over the weekend should really have no bearing on me now, I have been eating perfectly, and doing my detox baths. I just don't get it. I have been battling hunger like no body's business this round and as a result, I am obviously becoming irritable.
I am grasping for any encouragement I can get, because the first round was so much easier. The results were the only thing I needed to spur me on. Without the results its HARD. I looked through some of the discussion boards to see if I could relate to any other Round 2 experiences. It seems as though I may have reach my body's prior threshold. I have only been 165 lbs for a few brief periods of time, and have only gone below it my sophomore year of college which would have been 2002. So for eight years I have not been below this number that I am fighting, which I know in and of itself is a great accomplishment. It just presents a road block for me now. Reading blogs and such give me hope that I only need to maintain protocol through this stall and that I will wake up one morning having broken this plateau. Well hopefully that will be tomorrow morning. I had just finished trying to set my expectations, which I thought were conservative, but now I see they are just way too aggressive. I am thinking now I will do awesome to lose 15 lbs this round even going til the end of August. I need a boost and I need that boost to be in the form of lbs lost!

"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14 Eyes on the prize Sarah!

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