Stitch Fix #3 was a bust except for one item. I should have taken pictures but I didn't. Really because one of the shirts was the most hideous shirt I had ever seen on the face of a planet. Mom kept one of the shirts, and I kept this lovely orange and white skirt. The rest went back.

After that fix, I was starting to fear that the stylists were thinking that I was a 60 year old spinster. Granted I talked a lot about covering up, that I didn't want to flaunt anything, and that I was losing weight and was self conscious about my post baby belly that will never ever go away. Let's face it, if its not going away after losing 65 lbs, it ain't goin' no where. I am learning to accept that, but that doesn't mean I need to shove it in other people's faces. So with my last fix I emphasized that I was starting to feel a little more confident but there are just pieces that don't work for me. We have already visited the fact that if it has some sort of elastic or drawstring at the waist I don't know what to do with it - so those are really out. I do, however, realize that I look much better in things that fit rather than concealing my entire body in potato sack like garments. The fat girl in me is still afraid to change my size to the smallest size I have ever been on my profile, because I don't want them to send that size and then not be able to get them on. I'm so weird. So with this fix, I asked them to send more fitted pieces or cardigans because it makes no difference what the temp is outside, inside my office is always a very cold 68 degrees. So even if I have cute outfits, they end up being covered up by the same old sweater or jacket everyday.
Can I please preface my sad photography attempts with the warning that I took them after a long day of working with bronchitis. Usually, I like to fix myself up to the best possible so that I don't discriminate against an outfit merely because the rest of me looks like total crap. But, lets be honest, I probably do have bags under my blood shot eyes and crazy hair 90% of the time, so maybe its an honest portrait.
I shall lovingly refer to this dress as my June Cleaver dress. I wish I would have photographed it a little better, because I really liked it. You can't see in the photos but its a wrap dress that allows you to sort of cinch in at the waist but the A line goes away from the belly. I thought it flattered my figure and would be a nice dress for church. Thanks for listening Gemma the stylist!
I wanted to like this blouse here, but I just couldn't get over the dreaded waist elastic thingy. You can't really see it all that well in the pictures but it has it, and again, I don't know what to do with it. Also, I don't really do the capped sleeve sort of look. This shirt was sheer over a black cami. I liked parts of it, but over all I think its a no.
You guys...this might not be the prettiest cardigan ever, but it is the most comfy. It is like this faux suede and I wanted to sleep in it when I first tried it on. Its a little bulky and I'm not thrilled that the back is so much shorter than the front since I like to cover up my hiney, but it will be great on frosty mornings or regular days in my frigid office. Already took the tags off and wore it the first day.
The black skinny jeans in this pic were also sent with this fix. I think I have enough skinny girls for one big girl, so I don't think I need another pair. There was nothing wrong with these except they may have been a little too big and gave me saggy butt. They are going back.
This is another cardigan that I liked. Pretty standard really, but I did like the ruffles in the back. And there is that dadgum tongue again! I definitely have a problem. Keeping this one too.
So I am concerned about this sticking my tongue out all of the time business. I thought it was just something I did occasionally that my dear loving husband loved to make fun of me for. I probably took 20 photos and when I went to weed out the bad photos, I counted at least 8 where my tongue is sticking out. And I even remember telling myself to keep my tongue in before I started taking the pictures! Nothing says I am struggling like a tongue wagging in the wind... So I decided to google it...apparently its an actual syndrome!!!!!!!!
"Lingual protrusion syndrome is a diagnosis
neurologists dread giving to patients. Otherwise known as Michael Jordan
syndrome, LIPS sufferers may be the subject of ridicule and social
ostracism due to the involuntary sticking out of their tongues when
concentrating. ..This is simply a reflection of the nervous system's immaturity and
often, although not always, goes away by the time the adult brain is
fully developed." Definitely nailed that one! This is one of those times I am glad my husband does not read my blog, he would be rolling on floor laughing right now. Well babe, eat your heart out:
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